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Affichage des articles du décembre, 2009

Ebooks: Using Their Power

It is well known that everyday people log on to the internet in search of information and the best way of giving it to them is through e-books as they are quickly and easily delivered. Have you ever wondered why e-books are so popular? Could anyone write and publish one? These are a couple of questions that we   will answer today. Nowadays you can find e-books everywhere on the internet. There are   even libraries where you can download them directly to your computer. While some e-books are free, because they are in public domain, there are some that are written specifically to boost advertising. It is well known that everyday people log on to the internet in search of information and the best way of giving it to them is through e-books as they are quickly and easily delivered. Their contribution to the marketplace is one of the forerunning advertisement methods in use today. How to use e-books to promote ...

SOFthinking Newsletter n° 9

SOFThinking,une Internet compagnie - Newsletter #9 SOFThinking,une Internet compagnie - Newsletter #9 Newsletter : SOFThinking,une Internet compagnie SOFThinking est heureux de publier une newsletter regroupant les articles et ouvrages publiés tout au long de cette année. La publication en ligne est devenue un enjeu de l’évolution du Net. Les ventes d’ atteignent des milliards de dollars, en livres, musique, CD’s, etc.; Barnes et Nobles plus de 500.000.000 de dollars, tant et si bien que des spécialistes prévoient un marché de 9 milliards de dollars. Ce numéro atteste aussi d’une évolution de la stratégie tendant à positionner ces publications sur les sites de publication en ligne les plus connus : docstoc, scribd, thebookedition, create space, lulu… 1485x21cm.docCoeurEsprit ...